postmarketOS at Akademy 2018

August 25, 2018 1 min. read

Two weeks ago was Akademy 2018, KDE's yearly gathering to talk about and develop all things KDE. Since Plasma Mobile (which we have packaged) was of course also represented, a few members of the postmarketOS team decided to attend and meet each other for the first time! @ollieparanoid even took it upon himself to hold a talk about our project, telling everyone what it's about and what progress has been made since the start. You can view the slides here and this blog post will be updated to include a link to the video of the talk once Akademy's recordings are put online.

Besides our own talk, our friend @bshah from Plasma Mobile also had a talk about the progress on running the mainline kernel rather than libhybris or Halium to achieve fully working hardware (slides are available as well). We used this opportunity to talk with the Plasma Mobile team directly and discuss the future and exchange ideas.

Also present was TL Lim from PINE64 who kindly offered several of us dev-kits for the Pine A64 including a touch screen, so we can develop postmarketOS on it. Watch out for a port coming to that device!

Read the Plasma Mobile's blog post for more Akademy 2018.

UPDATE: The video recordings of the talks are online!

From left to right: @ata2001, @bshah, @z3ntu, @ollieparanoid, @bettycooper, @PureTryOut, @JBBgameich

PS: Shout out to all the Mastodon users, who keep on posting cool pmOS related content. @bettycooper set up @postmarketOS, so you can enjoy small updates from our side right in your favorite free software social network.
