postmarketOS in 2024-02: More trusted contributors

February 07, 2024 4 min. read

It's February, and we are still sticking to our new year resolutions and greeting the month with a blog post update! Among other topics, this month has been crazy busy with infrastructure migrations (you might have noticed the performance and reliability improvements with the postmarketOS server!). And of course FOSDEM was a few days ago! We have stayed in Belgium and are half-way through a 3-day hackathon with most of the team. It is very exciting to be able to meet in person, and we are getting lots of work and long-term planning done. We have financed part of this through your donations, so they are already making an impact, thanks to everybody! We will make sure to write a summary blog post for FOSDEM and the Hackathon once it is all over!

Governance: more ways to become a Trusted Contributor

Through the last months, we have been working on improving the governance structure of the project. And this month we followed up by refining the process to become a Trusted Contributor. Now, you don't need to be a developer to become official part of the postmarketOS team! There are plenty of ways to contribute to the project that are not just with code. We want to encourage people to do so, and give them credit for what they do!

And seems like the Governance improvements are actually having an impact on the project. Since last update, we have welcomed two new Trusted Contributors: Ferass El Hafidi and Arnav Singh! They have both been doing great work around different parts of the project, and we are very happy to have them on-board! Maybe next month we can introduce our first non-developer of the team?

So what's new?

And what's next?

We of course have great dreams and big plans coming out of the hackathon. Short-term plans are not so ambitions, but still exciting!


Last month's blog post seems to have been well received, so we hope to continue with this series! In general, this month there seems to have been a bit less throughput in terms of features, but not every month there's a member starting to work on the project full-time! Also, we have all been preparing for FOSDEM, and the output from FOSDEM and the hackathon will hopefully make a big impact. So we look forward to continue the work and keep you updated!

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