postmarketOS in 2024-09: systemd, PCB, talks, non-latin language fonts

September 29, 20249 min. read

A collage of photos from the "Boil  the Ocean" event, mostly showing hackers hacking on stuff, on top two phones showing video recordings of the postmarketOS talks at All Systems Go and KDE Akademy

This post goes out in the middle of the Boiling The Ocean hackfest currently taking place in Berlin. People are hacking on Mobile Linux, local-first ideas, GNOME app design, and everything in between. Also image-based/immutable OSes, which we want to do optionally with postmarketOS (#62) to rule out a whole class of bugs that are pretty inconvenient when you are for example cycling around the world and just want to upgrade your phone OS without finding it in a broken state afterwards. Thanks to Tobias for organizing this and for the photos!

Some people have been wondering about the name of the event - it is of course not about literally boiling the ocean, but rather taking up impossible-seeming tasks and making them a reality.

The phones on top do not only run postmarketOS, but also show postmarketOS talks from the systemd conference All Systems Go!, which also took place in Berlin a few days beforehand, as well as KDE Akademy from the beginning of the month in Würzburg.


pmaports + aports

Artwork and homepage

Event recordings

Behind the scenes

Writing these blog posts is a looot of effort. Over the past months, we have established the workflow of Pablo going through all merge requests since the month before and preparing a draft based on that — a huge tasks that keeps growing with each month! Oliver then finalizes the blog post by adding an image at the top, categorizing the bullet points, writing an introduction and adding some additional bullet points, etc. This takes each of us roughly a full day (!) - we have made a lot of optimizations compared to the very long early days blog posts, such as having only one image, and using bullet points. But still, it would be fantastic (and at some point required) to optimize this further.

Therefore the idea is that if you enjoy reading these blog posts, and you are either sending postmarketOS patches yourself, or follow development closely, then from now on you can send us a list of topics to include in the next blog post by commenting here!

And what's next?

If you appreciate the work we're doing with postmarketOS and want to support us, consider contributing financially via OpenCollective.