No space left on boot partition

March 21, 2021 1 min. read

In Alpine edge, LLVM was recently upgraded from 10 to 11. The new is bigger than, which triggered a bug on the PinePhone and possibly other devices where hardware acceleration for osk-sdl is enabled. During upgrades, if a new initramfs was generated, it would run out of space on /boot:

==> initramfs: creating /boot/initramfs-postmarketos-allwinner-extra
gzip: write error: No space left on device
cpio: write error: Broken pipe

Make sure you have at postmarketos-mkinitfs version 0.22-r1 or higher installed, where we resolved this issue (pmaports!2051). If you ran into this issue and your device does not boot anymore, restore the boot partition. For the PinePhone, see this guide.

Details in pmaports#1018.