Phosh top bar is borked with notch phones and custom margins

July 07, 2023 1 min. read

The recent upgrade to Phosh 0.29.0 introduced a layout manager which takes notches into account. This supersedes the workaround you may have made in pmOS-Tweaks if you have a phone with notches and wanted the clock to be visible like on the OnePlus 6T. The custom margins may now move to battery indicator into the location of the notch as seen below. To fix this either set the margins in pmOS-Tweaks to 0, or remove the lines in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css beginning with /* TWEAKS-START xxxx */ and ending with /* TWEAKS-END xxxx */.

The phosh's clock in the top bar was moved to the right but the battery indicator was moved in the middle of the top bar instead of immediately right of the clock.