osk-sdl deprecated in favor of unl0kr

October 04, 2023 1 min. read

We are happy to announce that unl0kr, the successor to osk-sdl is now getting installed by default in postmarketOS edge!

Advantages of unl0kr:

Migrating existing installations

As of writing, postmarketOS still has both osk-sdl and unl0kr in the repositories but we will remove osk-sdl at some point. If you have an existing installation, you can run the following commands to switch over to unl0kr. Consider creating a backup of your data if you have anything important on your phone, just in case.

# apk del osk-sdl
World updated, but the following packages are not removed due to:
  osk-sdl: postmarketos-base postmarketos-ui-console device-qemu-amd64

After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
OK: 347 MiB in 244 packages


# apk add unl0kr
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  osk-sdl (possibly more depending on the UI you have installed)
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  inih libevdev libinput-libs libinput-udev libxkbcommon mtdev unl0kr xkeyboard-config
After this operation, XXX MiB of disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y
(1/41) Purging osk-sdl (0.67.1-r5)
21:25:50.230118 == Generating initramfs ==
21:25:51.244195 boot-deploy completed in: 0.16s
21:25:51.245401 mkinitfs completed in: 1.02s
OK: 181 MiB in 219 packages

Reporting bugs

unl0kr has been tested on various phones already, see #1411. If it does not work on your phone, and there is no existing issue, then please create a new one here. As always, keep in mind that this piece of software is developed in spare time and you might need to help yourself if things don't work (see also state of postmarketOS).

Removal of osk-sdl from postmarketOS

Currently osk-sdl is still in postmarketOS edge and the stable version. We plan to remove it from edge after v23.12 was released, so for stable users it would still be available until v24.06. See #2319 for details.