apk plugin breakage in GNOME Software and Plasma Discover

April 21, 2024 1 min. read

Both GNOME Software and Plasma Discover are currently broken in postmarketOS edge, and unfortunately also in stable (v23.12). The reason is that the code interacting with apk broke for both.

As workaround, use apk from the command-line (via terminal or SSH).

Upgrade your system:

$ sudo apk upgrade -a

Search for a package:

$ apk search pkgname

Install a package:

$ sudo apk add pkgname

Related issue: #2739

UPDATE: Plasma Discover uses libapk-qt, which has been adjusted in version 0.4.6. The upgrade has been merged to Alpine edge and will be available to edge users once Alpine builders have caught up.

UPDATE: GNOME Software uses apk-polkit-rs, which has been adjusted in version 2.1.1-r1. The upgrade has been merged to Alpine edge and 3.19 will be available to edge and stable users once Alpine builders have caught up.