Devices using UEFI boot may be unable to boot

May 16, 2024 1 min. read

For devices that use UEFI boot, ie where /boot is a vfat partition, this commit introduced a regression that causes the partition to not be mounted in some cases, which then causes boot to fail with an "initramfs-extra not found" error.

Specifically, the list of devices affected are those which use the following kernels:

A fix is being worked on. Meanwhile, users of these devices are recommended to not install updates.

If you have already installed the update and have a device that fails to boot with the "initramfs-extra not found" error, you can recover the installation by booting a working image, chroot'ing into the original installation, editing /usr/share/initramfs/ in this way:

-mount_opts="-t vfat $mount_opts,umask=0077,nosymfollow,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii"
+mount_opts="-t vfat $mount_opts,umask=0077,nosymfollow,codepage=437"

... and rebuilding the initramfs with mkinitfs