
A table with a postmarketOS tablecloth, a laptop and phone running postmarketOS

This page lists various conferences where we have a stand, give talks or just hang out. Meet us there if you want to talk to postmarketOS developers or try it out on demo devices!

Join the matrix chat for discussing events.

List of events



Where can I learn more about what is happening at the events?

As events are happening, we usually post about it on Mastodon. Sometimes we also record a podcast at or after events, e.g. #38 FOSDEM 2024 Special.

Can I represent postmarketOS at an event?

Yes if you are a Trusted Contributor or Core Contributor (see team). Otherwise please get in contact with the team, we want to make sure that there is a common understanding of our culture, valuing collaboration over competition, praising and not bashing other mobile linux distros, recognizing value in upstreaming fixes, etc.

When representing postmarketOS at an event, please submit a patch to the repository to add the event to this page.