Considering SourceHut, Part 2

August 26, 20221 min. read

We recently added a post, Considering SourceHut, where we explained our desire to move from our current source code and issue hosting on to SourceHut. Along with a tentative rollout plan and a call out to postmarketOS contributors to give their feedback in an issue created specifically for that purpose (postmarketos#49). After receiving a lot of thoughtful feedback (and yes we did read them all!) from contributors and community members who read the post, we felt is was necessary to provide an update.

So is moving to SourceHut the best decision for postmarketOS? We don't know. Some of the feedback we received was supportive of the move to SourceHut, some was against it, and others showed up to advocate for moving to other hosting solutions.

What we do know is, now would be the best time to try it.

Acting now would allow us to have a slow and safe roll out plan where we can get some real experience with having part of pmOS on SourceHut, without disrupting the workflow of most contributors. All the while, we would still have the option to revisit and, if necessary, roll back any changes at the end of this testing phase.

After another postmarketOS core team meeting to discuss this topic, we decided that this is what we will do. We'll move pmbootstrap.git (again, only the git repository, not the issues!) to SourceHut soon. In January of 2023, we will review how well that worked or not, and based on that continue with the plan or revert and do something else. We are looking forward to seeing first patches sent in!

If you haven't read the post yet (Considering SourceHut), or the comments on the issue we created for gathering feedback (postmarketos#49), then we invite you to do so since they provide a lot more context.