Where to Contribute ❤️

Hello there, glad you are reading this page! We have a broad spectrum of topics to contribute, and some of them do not even require programming or scripting knowledge. With each contribution, you don't just get to help out your fellow postmarketOS friends, but there's always a chance to learn something new and sharpening your skills along the way. And of course fun, fame and epic stories to tell to your grandchildren about what a badass contributor you have been. Now pick what interests you most.

Reporting issues

Reporting issues you found can be of high value for developers and other users. With that being said, processing issue reports can also take a lot of time. The amount of time can be minimized by the following:

➡️ Report a new issue

cute little pmOS holding wiki book


Most of our documentation is in the wiki. We have pages on devices, tooling, UIs and more. You can help improve these pages from simple spelling and grammar fixes to making more complex changes.

➡️ Read the wiki editor's guide

cute little pmOS holding soldering iron and multimeter probes


If you have already familiarized yourself with postmarketOS a bit, consider joining the Testing Team to get cool new stuff first and help with making the project more stable for your particular device:

  • New changes to postmarketOS edge
  • New postmarketOS releases

You can do this no matter which device you run postmarketOS on — QEMU, phones, tablets, chromebooks or other laptops, SBCs, smartwatches, etc.

➡️ Join the Testing Team

cute pmOS buddy holding git


Suitable tasks to get a start in postmarketOS development:

  • Port and mainline devices you own.
  • Fix a small bug that you encounter while using postmarketOS.

➡️ Take me to the source code

Contributing upstream

postmarketOS builds upon a lot of other free software projects. Consider getting involved upstream:

Alpine Linux Phosh Plasma Mobile GNOME SXMO

Alpine LinuxPhoshPlasma MobileGNOMESXMO

Helping other people

two cute little pmOSs
Get active in the chatrooms (Matrix, IRC), the issue tracker or other discussion platforms and help others along the way, with motivation or practical tips on whatever they are doing.

➡️ Discussion platforms

Contributing financially

If you like postmarketOS and would like to help us with keeping our infrastructure running, accelerating the development and more then you can also make a donation. We list our finances transparently on our OpenCollective page.

➡️ Go to our OpenCollective page

See also